by nab and morenab, zurteh, Zafkiel, Aliix, Xenith, Daydream, nazer, Tygrysek, Awedsy, kacuro, Youknowwho, FreddyDash, zynns, Plolek, Sh4d8w0, mousile, ActiveLs, beep27, saziur, noodleshelf, Metsho, Humbjumb, Jalen, Artimeows, zrose, Kelemsk, ziriksi, Raveyard, Dutchiee, nsheyld, Aranda, hko, Voll, Lander, Unbipentium, Graded, Valentine, solarion, Diris, published by Graded, verified by DoSh7t
nab, zurteh, Zafkiel, Aliix, Xenith, Daydream, nazer, Tygrysek, Awedsy, kacuro, Youknowwho, FreddyDash, zynns, Plolek, Sh4d8w0, mousile, ActiveLs, beep27, saziur, noodleshelf, Metsho, Humbjumb, Jalen, Artimeows, zrose, Kelemsk, ziriksi, Raveyard, Dutchiee, nsheyld, Aranda, hko, Voll, Lander, Unbipentium, Graded, Valentine, solarion, Diris
1.9 Remake of Idols! II Hosted By Me and Zafkiel7. LVC Verified the original. Update Verified by Dosh7t! II Rock N Roll!
Demonlist score (100%):
37.27Demonlist score (60%):
37.27Demonlist score (60%):
Level Info
Level ID:
Free CopyLength:
179933 Song:
Virtual Riot - Idols (EDM Mashup by Reupload (ID 5123790)
Free CopyLength:
179933 Song:
Virtual Riot - Idols (EDM Mashup by Reupload (ID 5123790)
Position History
60% or better required to qualify
12 records registered, out of which 11 are 100%
Record Holder | Progress | Video Proof | |
Yzae | 100% | YouTube | |
solarion | 100% | YouTube | |
Vikings | 100% | YouTube | |
xRiver007 | 100% | YouTube | |
avtra | 100% | YouTube | |
RisLum | 100% | YouTube | |
BurningBanana2 | 100% | YouTube | |
Vegardo | 100% | YouTube | |
Pololak | 100% | YouTube | |
dafosh | 100% | YouTube | |
blooff | 100% | YouTube | |
kximeszu | 69% | YouTube |